GSI's Vision


The Institute was founded in 1997.


Gaudium et Spes Institute was founded by His Grace, Archbishop John O. Onaiyekan, then Archbishop of Abuja, now His Eminence, John Cardinal Onaiyekan, Emeritus Archbishop.


The Institute is located at the Cardinal Ekandem Villa, 5 Ambassador Kyari Mohammed Crescent, Asokoro, Abuja, which is dedicated to the memory of His Eminence, Late Dominic Cardinal Ekandem, the first Catholic Bishop/Archbishop of Abuja.


To promote, at an African level, a dialogue between the Church and the Modern World in line with the thinking of the Second Vatican Council document, Gaudium et Spes, which stipulates that the Church should be visibly present, relevant and influential in the modern world. Hence the name of the Institute, Gaudium et Spes Institute.


To further the vision of the founder, the Institute serves the following purposes:

  1. Provide facilities and opportunities within and outside the Institute for reflecting on the socio-political and economic realities of Nigeria in the light of the Gospel and the principles of Catholic Social Teaching;
  2. Provide intellectual resource for on-going human, pastoral and spiritual formation of priests, religious and laity within and outside the Archdiocese of Abuja;
  3. Strive to bridge the yawning gap between the Gospel message proclaimed by the Church, and the practical life lived by the ordinary Christian as an individual, within the family, and in the society;
  4. Design intellectual and pastoral oriented programmes in theology, spirituality, morality, and social-economic and socio-political thinking, and implement them through seminars, conferences, workshops, courses, talks, etc., towards on-going Adult Christian Education;
  5. Train and animate Pastoral Agents such as Special Ministers of Holy Communion, Lay Readers, Catechists, Altar Servers, Choirs and other ministries required in parishes;
  6. Promote, energize, and guide professional and other associations within the Church, such as Catholic Teachers, Lawyers, Medical Practitioners, Businessmen and women, Accountants, the Catholic Men Organization (CMO), Catholic Women Organization (CWO), Catholic Youth Organization (CYON), Knights, Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Nigeria and other Pious Associations, by providing them with intellectual, spiritual and pastoral resources to enable them be more active and effective Christian witnesses in the world;
  7. Support and facilitate the activities of individuals and groups working to promote human development and welfare in areas such as health, education, justice, peace, religious tolerance and social integration of persons, by networking with NGOs, Corporate Bodies, Human Rights Organizations, Relief Agencies, Socio-Cultural Associations, Philanthropists, Socio-Political Bodies, and Ecumenical Groups;
  8. Provide directed and preached retreats, recollections, spiritual direction, Eucharistic celebrations, prayer sessions and other spiritual services and programmes to priests, religious and laity from within and outside Abuja Archdiocese;
  9. Provide facilities and opportunities for personal and group spiritual and social renewal, counselling, sacramental reconciliation, and library study and research on theological and related issues;
  10. Publish books, pamphlets, tapes, using the print, video, audio and other social media on a variety of issues concerning Faith and Life.